Thursday, September 15, 2011

As the seasons change...

So does my luck.
Since arriving here, I have to admit that I have been catching a lot of lucky breaks (parking spots, cancelled classes, etc.) Unfortunately, since the weather has been changing, my luck has gone along with it. So far, I have skinned my knee on the way to class (in the rain) slept through a class that had a quiz (fire drill at 5:30 that morning....NOT MY FAULT) gotten stuck in an elevator with an unidentified used condom, and become an accomplice in frowned upon activities.
college is amazing.
Anyways, I have been having pretty good luck with this sorority business. I have an interview tomorrow which basically determines if I get in or not. My friends say I have nothing to worry about.....but then again, they're my friends. They have to say that.
Speaking of which, I should probably get some clothes together to wear to that interview. The outfit choice is Business I am thinking either khakis or a skirt with a nice top and heels (though the eel skins kill my feet...ugh)
The life of a college freshman.
I guess it is early enough to not be weird to take a shower, since I'm having lunch with a friend tomorrow and cannot do so right before my interview.
I promise, I haven't forgotten this blog. I'm a jerk, I know.
As soon as things calm down, I will be blogging like there's no tomorrow.

Until then


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